In this paper, we take three researchers from different parts of the globe andexperiment with long-distance songwriting through a sociological andorganizational lens. During this process, we combine production expertiseand facilities into a networked recording studio environment with expandedtoolsets centred on songwriting production. We investigate a new flowconcept that we name transnational flow (TNF). This flow state exists as aform of non-synchronic group flow somewhere between Csikszentmihalyi’s(1995) individualist flow theory and Sawyer’s (2007) group flow theory. Thepaper investigates the difficulties of managing multiple flow states in acomplex organizational network between Australia and North America. Weuse Karl Weick’s Sensemaking (1995) and Jazz metaphor (1998) theories toform an organizational framework that enables the creative flow process tooccur over a complex network with a time difference of seven hours.