Differences and similarities in the creative agency of the producerin the production process of urban pop music produced in a home studio,rock music produced in a conventional studio facility and classical concerthall music produced in a concert hall setting is explore in this paper. Startingfrom the premise of record production being a collaborative effort, I approachagency as the capacity to make and effect decisions within a structure or evento alter it to some extent, and creativity as contributing to the domain of existingworks through exercising aesthetic decision-making. Based on theseunderstandings of agency and creativity, I will examine how different culturesin different production settings and different studios conceived as culturalspaces affect the construction of the producer’s agency within creativecommunities in the production process. Furthermore, I will discuss how differencesin understandings of the ontology of the music contribute to the levelof creativity, i.e. the contribution to the domain of existing works, that aproducer agent can possess. I base my presentation on extensive ethnographicfieldwork of three case studies on production processes, which took place inthe course of 2015-2017.