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Design för lärande i en pop-och rockensemble: En studie i en ensembles val av design med notation respektive inspelning som huvudsaklig resurs.
Royal College of Music in Stockholm, Department of Music Education.
Royal College of Music in Stockholm, Department of Music Education.
2020 (Swedish)Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
Abstract [en]

The purpose of this study is to examine methods of learning two different songs with sight-reading and by ear as main resources in a pop- rock ensemble. To investigate this, we constructed a band rehearsal consisting of four college students, studying music. Their assignment was to learn two newly composed songs in the pop and rock genre. The whole rehearsal was documented with videocameras and later we interviewed the informants about their experience and approach towards the task. They also got to answer a questionnaire about their musical background and former experience of learning song by ear or reading sheet music. All of the empirical materials has been analyzed through a design theory perspective. The resultat are divided in three main categories; the strategies and designs of the individual, those of the ensemble and the different roles that appeared in the ensemble. Our analysis, regarding the overall design used by the ensemble, is supported by tables giving perspicuous overviews of the learning processes. Our most important results are that notation as well as musical sounds need one other to receive deeper musical meaning. This is shown by the informants as they notate musical sound in different ways as well as make sound of notation in order to help each other in the process. All of the informants used their voice in different ways to learn their individual parts as well as when they helped each other. The approaches to learn each song were also different in the way that the sight reading-song was divided in sections during the rehearsal. Playing by ear, the participants rehearsed the song in a holistic way by playing it from the start till the end multiple times. The result of this study can be used by music teachers in their choice of recourses when teaching students, in a pop/rock ensemble, new songs.

Abstract [sv]

Denna studie har som syfte att undersöka notläsning och gehör som metod för lärande i pop-och rockensemble. För att undersöka detta har ett repetitionstillfälle iscensatts bestående av informanter som är musikhögskolestudenter. Vid undersökningstillfället fick informanterna studera in två nyskriva låtar inom pop- och rockgenren. Processen filmades och informanterna intervjuades samt fick svara på ett frågeformulär, därefter har allt material analyserats och studerats. Hur informanterna strukturerade sitt lärande har analyserats utifrån ett designteoretiskt perspektiv. Våra viktigaste resultat är att informanternas helhetsbild förändrades vad gäller låtens form beroende på om resursen var noter eller klingande exempel. Detta resulterade i att ensemblen repeterade bitvis med noter som resurs men låten som helhet med klingande exempel som resurs. Resultatet visar också att ensemblen använde sig av både klingande exempel samt noter oberoende hur resursen såg ut. Samtliga informanter använde sina röster som resurs för att återge melodier och rytmer till både sig själva och sina medmusiker. Vårt resultat kan användas av musikpedagoger i val av resurser för sina elever i arbete med låtar inom pop- och rockgenren.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2020. , p. 84
Keywords [sv]
Gehörsbaserad undervisning, Ensemblespel, Notläsning, Design för lärande, Gehörsspel, Inlärningsprocess, Inlärningsstilar
National Category
Music Pedagogy
URN: urn:nbn:se:kmh:diva-3419OAI:, id: diva2:1414207
Educational program
Ämneslärarprogram med inriktning mot gymnasieskolan
Available from: 2020-03-16 Created: 2020-03-12 Last updated: 2020-03-16Bibliographically approved

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