Departing from the artistic research project Goodbye Intuition(GI) hosted by the Norwegian Academy of Music in Oslo, thisarticle discusses the aesthetics of improvising with machines.Playing with a system such as the one described in this article,with limited intelligence and no real cognitive skills, willobviously reveal the weaknesses of the system, but it will alsoconvey part of the preconditions and aesthetic frameworks thatthe human improviser brings to the table. If we want theautonomous system to have the same kind of freedom wecommonly value in human players’ improvisational practice,are we prepared to accept that it may develop in a directionthat departs from our original aesthetical ambitions? Theanalyses is based on some of the documented interplay betweenthe musicians in a group in workshops and laboratories. Thequestion of what constitutes an ethical relationship in this kindof improvisation is briefly discussed. The aspect of embodimentemerges as a central obstacle in the development of musicalimprovisation with machines.