How Do We Learn a Piece by Heart?: Strategies, experience and reflections
2021 (English)Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE credits
Student thesis [Artistic work]
Abstract [en]
The present work consists of a research of the process of memorizing a music score and performing it with its main goal being to understand which is the better and the most efficient process of learning and memorizing it. The piece that has been chosen for this project is Sonata n.1 op.120 in F minor for clarinet and piano by Johannes Brahms.The project is based on two methods and some strategies made by psychologists and musicians that suggest to do a theoretical analysis of the piece and afterwards, define some points (cues) that will help the musician to remember. The work consists in to apply these strategies in the practice sessions, in lessons with teachers and in concerts and observe if they have been successful. This paper concludes with the results of the practical part and with a discussion about them and about the experience to play the piece.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2021. , p. 36
Keywords [en]
Memory, music, classical music, learning, brain, performance, clarinet, piano, arts, pedagogy, Brahms clarinet sonata
National Category
Music Arts Pedagogy Neurosciences
URN: urn:nbn:se:kmh:diva-4131OAI:, id: diva2:1564846
2021-05-03, Nathan Milsteinsalen, Kungl. Musikhögskolan, Royal College of Music in Stockholm, Stockholm, 19:00
Sounding part of the project:
Johannes Brahms - Sonata n.1 op. 120 in F minor for Clarinet and Piano
Clarinet: Clara Vilanova
Piano: Erik Lanninger
The concert took place on May 3rd, 2021 in Nathan Milstein Hall in the Royal College of Music in Stockholm
2021-06-142021-06-122021-06-14Bibliographically approved