Beställningsverk av Gustav Vasa församling.
Beställningsverk av Gustav Vasa Församling, Stockholm
Uruppförande av Gustav Vasa Vokalensemble under ledning av Lars Fredén tillsammans med organisten Lars Andersson under festivalen Organ Space - Stockholm International Organ Festival - 12 September 2021.
Missa Vox Mundi
The traces that stays when music is sifted through time is the point of inspiration for Missa Vox Mundi: traces of tonalities, singing styles, rhythmical figures, timing, ostinatos, phrasing, different ways of expressing yourself through sacred singing and music. The inspiration comes from many but no specific culture and different ways of singing. - A music out of time and country - without specific residence. Parish singing – singing together air instruments breathing – phrase singing Layers upon layers of rhythmical figures Simplicity that adds complexity Small units that form larger parts – holistic. Presence When performing this piece, there is room for individual interpretation in the moment! Susanne Rosenberg, the summer of 2021