In this project I aimed to identify and explore methods meant to encourage my own creativity, in general as well as in relation to songwriting and arranging. To do this, I gathered different methods such as writing a song to a made-up movie scene etc and implemented them into my songwriting to explore their effects on my creative process. This project resulted in four songs written using different songwriting techniques out of which I developed the arrangement of one of them. By doing so I further explored how my arrangement process was affected by the used ways of songwriting. Furthermore, I present the songs one by one and demonstrate in which ways my creative process was shaped by using each specific method as well as how my creativity in general was influenced by the used approaches. In addition to this, I present how the process of arranging one of the songs was affected. During this process I found that my songwriting was affected by the used method. Some of the methods, such as writing to a made-up movie scene, increased my creativity more than others. In addition to this, I found that the creative process whilst working with the arrangement also felt more creative thanks to the used songwriting method. Finally, I discuss and reflect on how limitations, and more specifically the limitations within my used methods, possess the ability to enhance creativity.