Curated concert at R1 including my own performance of Chopper by Chris Chafe
Full program:
R1 Reactor Hall, KTHOrchid Music: Florida Orchid DNA Synthesizer and Sequencer Performance (15’00”) – Juraj Kojslicebyc~ (10’00”) – Giovanni OnoratoDancing Dots (15’00”) – Olof MisgeldFail More (12’00”) – Mike MulshineChopper (8’00”) – Chris ChafeNew Rachel Pull (12’00”) – sun til threads
Chopper (2009 / 2018 / 2023) is back in a trio setting featuring Henrik Frisk on tenor sax. Ac-companists are Marise van Zyl (computer detonator) and Chris Chafe (celletto beaming in fromCalifornia). The approximately 12-minute performance utilizes the R1 Hall’s lovingly restoredWurlitzer Theater Organ. It is connected to real-time nuclear fission simulation software. Det-onations and changing experimental conditions are in Marise’s hands. Actual experiments inR1 were used to verify early fission models running on 1960’s mainframe computers. Theirmodern counterpart is a visualization by Alex Wellerstein. The Mighty Wurlitzer was recon-structed to fit in an organ chamber reminiscent of the shape and size of the original reactorcore. The reaction time theme of Chopper has the central soloist triggering sounds from theother players who respond as fast as possible despite network and other delays.1C