Språkets påverkan på melodi och tonalitet: Ett kompositionsarbete med fokus på̊ språklig interpretation
2024 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesis [Artistic work]
Abstract [en]
This bachelor’s thesis investigates the transformation of a musical composition when its lyrics are translated from the written original language into another. It examines how creating a new composition based on the translated lyrics, aspiring to maintain the language’s natural melodic flow, impacts the character of the composition. Utilizing diverse composition methods and techniques revolving around lyrics, I have composed a series of six compositions. This collection consists of an equal distribution of lyrics in the Swedish and the English languages, allowing for a comparative analysis of how the choice of language influences the harmonic, melodic, and emotional dimensions of each piece, despite the lyrics having the same content. The culmination of this venture was presented at my Bachelor’s recital held at the University of North Texas.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2024. , p. 56
Keywords [en]
Jazz, composition, lyrics, lyric translation, translation, Vocals
Keywords [sv]
Jazz, Komposition, Text, Textöversättning, Sång
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:kmh:diva-5330OAI: oai:DiVA.org:kmh-5330DiVA, id: diva2:1862448
External cooperation
University of North Texas
Educational program
Kandidatprogram musiker
2024-03-29, Lab West, 415 Avenue C, Room 282, Denton, TX 76201, Denton, Texas, USA, 16:30 (English)
When Sunny Gets Blue (musik: Marvin Fisher text: Jack Segal)
När sol går i moln (Märta Dahlsytöm)
You’re A Ten (Märta Dahlström)
Du är en tia (Märta Dahlström)
Skynda långsamt (Märta Dahlström)
Hurry Slowly (Märta Dahlström)
Ellen (Märta Dahlström)
Medverkande musiker: Märta Dahlström, sång och komposition, Isaiah Nygard, Piano Paul Briggs, Bas, Michael Rodenkirch, trummor.
Märta Dahlström Senior Recital / Examenskonsert:
2024-05-312024-05-292024-05-31Bibliographically approved