The present work was an attempt to examine the impact of politicians ́ and music teachers ́ habitus respectively on their practice in the field of swedish community music- and cultural schools. The perspective was borrowed from the french sociologist Pierre Bourdieu whose terminology includes the concepts of field, habitus and cultural capital (resources). Though there are many agents in the field restrictions were made to the two mentioned above to be examined and interviewed. Likewise restrictions were made concerning the cathegories of capital (resources) that were investigated. Among these habitus/taste was chosen as the most interesting one since it deals with values. The issues called “actual questions” were the changing preferences with the pupils, the impact of media, the power of politicians, the turning of music schools into cultural schools, the cooperation with common schools and the possibilities for pupils with functional disorders. In addition value related issues were examined such as cultural wiews, democracy and the question wether music is regerded as a goal in itself or as a means for reaching other goals. Four politicians were interviewed and also a representative from the headmasters national organisation SMoK. Material from five previous interviews with music teachers made in an earlier work by the author was used. Conclusions were drawn and questions were raised related to twenty three subjects generated from three central questions for research. One major conclusion was that politicians tend to form progressive and demanding tasks for the music-/cultural schools according to the concept of Culture for all not knowing what the consequences may be for the music teachers pedagogic approach. Thus the politicians seem to regard the music teachers as a resource for something they are not a resource for today. This can partly be explained through differencies in habitus. Both politicians and music teachers would benefit from gaining more and deeper knowledge about the functions of music and for what goals on the individual- group- and society levels music can be used a tool or a veichle.
Magisteruppsats i musikpedagogik (80 poäng)