In my 2013 paper The (un)necessary self (Frisk 2013) I explored the idea of the giving up of theself as an important step towards the dismantling of the romantic idea of creation, and approachan understanding of creativity that is more closely aligned with the other. The other should beunderstood as anyone in the proximity of the artistic practice: a co-creator, a listener, a particpantor a remote collaborator. The point here is to move the focus from the creator to what is createdand to understand the roles of the various agents involved.In music, hyper-capitalism of the twenty first century is eager to commodify the artistic output,the artist, as well as the listeners. This is not only a problem for the freedom of art (a conceptequally complex), it also makes the role of the self difficult to understand. But in theradicalization of the role of the creator, both a new work concept and a review of the self isnecessary, even beyond the notion of giving up of the self. The ethics in artistic practices, that is,the moral values that are expressed through artistic practices in music, specifically improvisation,may complement traditional views on ethics and is an important aspect when discussing the rolesof the self. The notion of the Care of the Self, as discussed in Michel Foucault's Volume Three ofthe History of Sexuality, is used as a method to approach this complex area.